
photo of biblical Achsah

Biography, Summary & Biblical References

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Achsah was a daughter of Caleb, a leader of the Israelites during the conquest of Canaan. She was the sister of Othniel, who was the first judge of Israel. Achsah is best known for her boldness and resourcefulness in negotiating a better inheritance for herself and her family. When Caleb promised Achsah's hand in marriage to the man who conquered the city of Debir, Othniel was victorious. As a reward, Caleb gave Achsah a field and a spring of water. Achsah, however, was not satisfied with this gift and asked her father for more. She requested an upper and a lower spring, and Caleb granted her request. Achsah's boldness and resourcefulness in negotiating a better inheritance for herself and her family is what she is best known for. She is an example of a woman who was not afraid to speak up and ask for what she wanted. Her story is a reminder that we should not be afraid to ask for what we want and to be persistent in our pursuit of it.

Did you know?

How many times Achsah was mentioned in the bible?

Achsah appears 4 times in the bible.

Where is the story of Achsah begins in the Bible?

Achsah first mention in the bible is in the book of Joshua, chapter 15, verse 16. Read the full chapter


Achsah was a daughter of Caleb, a leader of the Israelites during the conquest of Canaan. She was the sister of Othniel, who was the first judge of Israel. Achsah is best known for her boldness and resourcefulness in negotiating a better inheritance for herself and her family. When Caleb promised Achsah's hand in marriage to the man who conquered the city of Debir, Othniel was victorious. As a reward, Caleb gave Achsah a field and a spring of water. Achsah, however, was not satisfied with this gift and asked her father for more. She requested an upper and a lower spring, and Caleb granted her request. Achsah's boldness and resourcefulness in negotiating a better inheritance for herself and her family is what she is best known for. She is an example of a woman who was not afraid to speak up and ask for what she wanted. Her story is a reminder that we should not be afraid to ask for what we want and to be persistent in our pursuit of it.

Achsah was mentioned 4 times in the Bible.

first mention in the bible is in the book of Joshua, chapter 15, verse 16.